Bombe is a washing station located in the Sidamo region, with 750 active farmer members who deliver cherries.
Faisel Abdosh is the owner of seven washing stations, as well as the owner of the export business. Only a few of Faisel’s washing stations produce the specific profiles we are after; this coffee was one of the highlights when we cupped the first new crop lots of the season.
Intensely tropical and blackcurrant like, this coffee is somewhat on the winey and heavier side, supported by a delicate acidity, super structured and sugary all the way.
The process followed for this lot is the classic natural Ethiopia.
The coffee is collected by hand and delivered to the station, where a first selection, still manual, of cherries, is made to remove those over- or under-ripe.
The cherries are then placed on raised beds exposed to sunlight. Fermentation is controlled by frequently turning the cherries and covering them with sheets during the hottest hours of the day and at night.
It takes 15 to 20 days for the residual moisture in the bean to reach the desired levels. At this point, skin and mucilage, now deteriorated by fermentation and dried out, are removed mechanically. The parchment is finally removed mechanically before packaging the coffee in GrainPro bags, which are inserted into the classic jute bags.
This lot is available with differentiated roasting profiles: for espresso and filter extractions.
Minimum resting period: 10 days from the roast date for espresso roast, 5 days for filter roast.